All the volunteers have worked so hard this year to bring each fabulous Feast – and Sunday 7 December’s is even more magnificent than ever. We have a new Health & Wellbeing market hub opening at the Leisure Centre!
We are really happy to welcome the new volunteers from the centre and the local housing association nearby who will be running the new hub.
As it’s December, all the stalls apart from hot food will be inside and there’s all sorts going on plus music from the fine Folk of the Wood who will be making you dance a jig while you shop – everything designed to make you happy! There will be LOADS of free stuff to have, do and take home – you can even get your own Santa hat to decorate. The maker of the Fanciest Hat will even help Dame Tessa Jowell open Feast’s Winter Lights next weekend!
What else is on? (at the last Feast until April 2015…)
You can make yourself a festive pompom with Kam down at Artisan’s if you like, turn up any time between 10am and 12pm and get fluffing.
Kids can decorate their very own Feast bag at St Luke’s and the incomparable Maths Explorers are back again this month to show us how fun maths is. And if your wish is to make a Christmas angel at any of the usual hubs, then we at Feast shall grant it!
There is just masses and masses of free music to listen to, wow, can’t even begin… there’s absolutely solid choir action from the Big Sing, Achord & Popchoir on the steps of St Luke’s – just join in! As you wander about tapping your toes, just check the A boards at each hub for what’s on.
At Fresh & Green, there will be stalls and music from the South London Folk Orchestra over by Beamish & McGlue (who incidentally will be selling mulled wine and Copas turkeys) and the Spanish honey man is back (for all those of you who keep asking).
If you haven’t done your Christmas cards yet, get a pack of these beauties.
And there’s another chance to pick up a fabulous Feast tea towel too…
Retro in the Portico
Rosebery’s need their car park back this month but never fear, all the usual vintage suspects will be there as well as a few local charities telling you about what great stuff they do in West Norwood. And if you fancy a sing a long in the warmth (with a glass of mulled wine perchance, there will be lashings of that about) get to the Portico at 2.30 and have a go at some carols with Just Sing. And if you are plain tuckered out from all the shopping and merry-making, be sure to pay a visit to West Norwood Therapies who will be giving free massage taster sessions in the back of the Portico…
Small Business Saturday
This happens on the day before Feast, Saturday 6 December. Last year Feast helped organise it, this year the West Norwood traders are doing it for themselves. Please pop in and support all the wonderful independent shops we have in West Norwood. A special Feastie thanks go out to West Norwood independent stalwarts Otter Trading, Beamish & McGlue and Rock Paper & Scissors for selling fundraising Feast merchandise for us 🙂
See you at Feast!