What a fantastic October FEAST.
Thank you to everyone who came along to help and support FEAST on Sunday 6 October.
We had 65 traders, 3 community stalls and more entertainment than you could shake a stick at.
Members of Chatsworth Baptist Church did a fantastic job collecting food donations for the Foodbank and the apple stall down at Fresh ‘n’ Green raised £60 by selling people’s surplus and windfall apples.
Did you know that we need around 20 volunteers each FEAST day to keep the show on the road?
There are lots of ways you can get involved from helping to set up the hub stalls first thing in the morning, to putting up the signage, talking to local people, handing out flyers, helping with the children’s activities and then putting it all away at the end of the day.
Some people come and help all day; others offer a couple of hours.
We welcome any help.
There are also lots of behind the scenes jobs too such as helping with social media, design work, booking stalls, keeping the books, organising permits, writing the programme, and coming up with new ideas for the next year.
We are always at the Railway pub in Tulse Hill every Tuesday evening, 6.30pm – 8pm for our open meetings. FEAST is always keen to hear from local people with innovative ideas to keep FEAST fresh, exciting and fun and to make West Norwood a better place to live. Live local, love local!