It has been a long three months and about time we had another FEAST, no? The theme for this April’s FEAST is Easter (or FEASTer if you like) and although the actual Easter weekend is two whole weeks afterwards, who’s worried? No one, that’s who. Apart from the Easter eggs. There is a distinct chance of eating some of these ahead of time, if you are interested…
Easter Egg Hunting
This is to occur between two Hubs (you will have to turn up to FEAST to find out which) and a few local shops. Each location will have a free mini egg available for you to pop in your mouth (or your child’s should you want to be selfless here) but only if a question is answered correctly (I don’t think they will be Hard Questions). If several mini eggs don’t do it for you, you can enter a prize draw for a whole chocolate bunny to yourself by simply completing a form with all answers correctly annotated. Super. Job done.
So what else do have we for you on Sunday 6 April?
Shall we start at the bottom and work our way up the street, as all good FEASTies
should? (though obviously not the ones living at the top, but let’s park that one on Pedants’ Corner for now, shall we?).
Fresh & Green
Have a wander along the stalls on Norwood Road where you can get all sorts of wonderfulness for your gardens and your later-when-you-get-home tummies. If the smalls are whinging, do stop by at Drum & Kernel and get some popcorn to help you all on your way. All the best people do.
Artisans’ Hub
On Chatsworth Way we all the usual lovely stalls selling what they do. Of special note is Martin Grover who effortlessly renders our spot in south east London into just the coolest paintings and prints, ever. Don’t take my word for it, go down and see for yourself. Whilst there, if you own one of those children fond of clambering up a fire engine we have a special treat… TheWest Norwood White Watch engine and its firefighters will be parked up there (unless they get a call out) between 2pm and 4pm. So whilst you get your arty kicks, your firefighter wannabes will be happy too. And all the while everyone’s being entertained by our favourite local performers Steve and the Hats (12.00pm-1.20pm), Johnny and the Daves’ (1.30pm-2.00pm) and the lovely Alanah Duncan (2.00pm-2.45pm).
Food Fair
Lift thine eyes up the high street and you will see the bunting round St Luke’s – head that way. Up in the food hub you will find the usual FEAST cornucopia of delightful and delicious. And there’s even more of the FREE STUFF to enjoy for all. There’s South London Samba 2.00pm-2.30pm performing on the church steps followed by Vincent Burke 2.45pm-3.30pm. For the kiddiewinkles, I am told that the ever popular badge making is returning and that colouring in “has a spring feel to it, with colour your own butterflies and flowers to take away and brighten homes. We’ll also be asking children to help make paper chains and cupcake bunting to decorate the hubs”. Sadly, not with real cupcakes.
The South London Play Partners will have the usual large play stuff in the gardens, including the cargo net and tree stumps. For those more focused nippers, the activity this FEAST will be planting. Children will be able to plant a runner bean to take home, watch it grow and eat it. That’s if they are Good Children who eat their beans (and water them).
Retro Hub
From the Food Fair, it’s just a quick trot up Knight’s Hill (hurdling the road works) to the Retro Hub, billed as “a treasure trove of baubles, trinkets, curios – a celebration of the unusual and unique, with clothes, accessories and footwear from the mid-century to the late 20th century.” Who could possibly resist? Especially as all the regulars will be there like Lovesome Cake with their delicious homemade treats and Stationery Traffic and their quirky range of kitsch greeting cards. One notable new stall is Prehistoric Presents (it doesn’t get more vintage than this, folks) with crystals and minerals, ancient fossils and even dinosaur poo. Nice. I am told you can wear some of these earthly treasures as jewellery. Not the poo though, one hopes. There’s something for everyone with prices ranging from £1. And what’s more, the stall’s Dinosaur Fossil bag was featured in the Guardian Xmas gift guide as an educational toy. So there.
The Portico
All sorts happening there. And it’s just across the road from Retro at Rosebery’s too. And indoors. And warm. There’s a bazaar inside with jewellery, ceramics, cards and much more, all made by local artists, craftspeople and artisans. These lovely people will also be there, I’ll let them tell you what they do…
“The Open Works
is an experimental project aiming to make practical changes to our everyday lives. How can we spend more productive time together working, eating, fixing, building, creating livelihoods, growing, sharing, cooking… ?
Join as a free member for access to functional spaces such as co-working, kitchens, workshops and growing spaces. And support to develop your ideas into projects or ventures. Come and see us on Feast day to find out more!”
And if all that is not enough for you on your fab fun-packed FEAST day, you can even take in a free yoga class! (as long as you book in advance)
On an entirely non FEAST day note, I was informed by a kindly and helpful reader that the West Norwood Skatepark Association are having plans drawn up to revamp ‘blob lands’ an old 70’s style paddling pool in West Norwood park. Now I am not entirely sure what blob lands are but I liked the idea of revamping them. If you want to know more, visit their site and get involved.
And finally, can you all still keep your eyes peeled for Dot, the lost Jack Russell. She (or some small canine personage very likely to be her) has been seen in West Norwood, alone and running. If you see her, don’t give chase but try calling her name. If that doesn’t work, see if you can get a photo of her and get in contact with me at or via the Facebook page. Thanking you.
If anyone has anything of interest they’d like to share – on a West Norwood ish kind of line – please do email it in. All submissions of a reasonable nature considered.
See you at FEAST. I will be the one attempting to look like I know what is going on.