Music on the Steps of St. Luke’s Church
12.30pm Natasha Kirke, solo artist
1.30pm Nunhead Folk Circle
Music at the Artisans Market, on Chatsworth Way….
11.30am Yenshu Sarinara
1.45pm Eales Jazz Trio
2.30pm Steve and the Hats
Tour of West Norwood Cemetery – free, but donations welcome
11am, meeting inside the main gates of the cemetery, Norwood Road, SE27 9JU
A tour of Lambeth’s finest Victoria cemetery, led by Colin Fenn from the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery.
FEAST Hub Highlights
Retro Village
10am – 4pm, in the car park of Rosebery’s Auction House, 74 – 76 Knights Hill
Vintage and retro clothing, accessories, jewellery, bric-a-brac and kitchenalia brought to you by Barbara Patel, Modern Maggie, Heart of Glass, That Extra Pair of Hands, Clare’s Collection, Snappschotts, Metamofosi Boutique, Evelynjean, and Trinkets and Baubles. Tryencore Coffee, the greenest coffee van will also be back along with tasty treats from Lovesome Cake!
Food Fair
10am – 4pm, in front of St. Luke’s Church
Come and have a gastronomic tour of our Food Fair and sample the best of South London’s street food. Tartiflette from Great Pan, the most amazing cakes from Sweet Sensations and Bunting and Pops plus petit fours and dainty cakes from Fiendish and Goode. Slow smoked pulled pork and brisket sandwiches from Bare Bones Cue, Caribbean food from Trinijam, biodynamic burgers from Jacob’s Ladder, brownies, cakes and sourdough from FEAST regulars Chas & Momo. Curry Cook House will be serving authentic Kashmiri and Pakistani food, and Pangea Street bring their mixed salad boxes.
Artisans Market
10am – 4pm, Chatsworth Way
Local business and FEAST supporter, Hometown Glory will be at the Artisan Market with their classic style and unique apparel and memorabilia of the lesser known areas of towns and cities (www.hometownglory.co.uk, www.facebook.com/hmtownglory, @westnorwoodfeast.comhmtownglory, Instagram – hmtwnglory). Also attending are Paul McBride and Martin Grover, Amanda Patrick, Bainbridge Studios, Samantha Warren (www.facebook.com/samanthawarren.london, Instagram – samanthawarren_london), Libby Lawson, Rosa and Clara Designs, Mike Roberts, Silver Blossom Jewellery (www.facebook.com/silverblossomjewellery), @westnorwoodfeast.comSilverBlossom_), Not for Grown Ups, South London Prints (www.facebook.com/southlondonprints, @westnorwoodfeast.comsouthldnprints), Sara Petersen, Puppet Pets, Jill Green, Juan is Dead (www.facebook.com/juanisdead.art, @westnorwoodfeast.comjuanisdead), Linescapes, Saga Sews, Cathy McDonald, Essie’s Bits and Bows, Cherish and Bloom and Lil3birdy – bringing the best local artists and makers to the heart of the community.
The team from Red Watch, West Norwood Fire Brigade will be on site with a real live fire engine from 11am – 1pm.
Fresh ‘n’ Green
10am – 4pm, junction of Norwood Road, Lancaster Avenue, and York Hill
Visit our new stalls – honey from the Taste of Spain, cakes and pastries from the Almond Kitchen, soap, hair and body products from Natural You, chutneys from Ladle and Larder and fresh flowers from Victoria B’s Flowers. Plus, popcorn from Drum and Kernel Popcorn, the return of the Sugar Cane King, Pea Green Boat Books, Tantie Lorraine and growing information from Lambeth Horticultural Society and the South London Botanical Institute.
South Lambeth Play Partners
10am – 4pm, Food Fair, in front of St. Luke’s Church
Free play activities and games for young children and families.
Free children’s activities at each market hub
Join our volunteer FEASTies for some creative colouring in and firework crafty pictures.
Children’s Animal Trail
All day, collect from FEAST HQ
We have heard there is an elephant hiding somewhere at FEAST, can you find it? Complete our kids animal trail, written by our very own Hetty Lalleman!
Children’s Christmas Card Competition
All day, FEAST HQ
Have a go at designing your own FEASTie Christmas card and win a chance to turn on the West Norwood Christmas Tree lights at the December FEAST on Sunday 1 December! The competition is open to children under 11 years old. Entries must be drawn on A4 paper, portrait orientation and handed in to FEAST HQ (gazebo at the Food Fair) by 4pm on Sunday 3 November. There will be felt tips and paper available at FEAST HQ on the day. Good luck!
Be FEAST Volunteer
10am – 4pm, all market hubs
Would you like to help in the running of FEAST? We not only need volunteers to help every FEAST day, but throughout the month. Roles include booking traders and entertainments; help with marketing and social media. Can you spare a few hours? Speak to a hub leader or anyone in a hi-vis jacket to find out more.
November Bazaar at the Portico Gallery
10am – 4pm, 23a Knights Hill, SE27 0HS
The Portico Gallery’s November Bazaar will be showcasing work from local artists and offering all sorts of irresistible food and goodies for sale. For more information please see www.porticogallery.org.uk.